© 2015 Saunya M. Williams, Ph.D., LLC | All rights reserved | Photography by Neville Simpson

L.I.V.E. Club by Dr. Saunya 

Dr. Saunya's desire is to provide a global platform for people that strive to experience life without being bound. She believes that we should celebrate each other throughout this journey so let us all L.I.V.E. together. Furthermore, she invites everyone to share a #butGodmoment to be published in an upcoming L.I.V.E. Daily! newsletter. To join the L.I.V.E. Club, follow this one step:
1. Go to the "Sign Up" link in the drop down to provide your email and confirm your subscription.

As a member, you can request that your name be published or remain anonymous with your submission to L.I.V.E. Daily! A
#butGodmoment is anything (e.g., poem, song, testimony, event, experience, vision) that makes you say the words, "but, God!" It is a judgement-free zone, and you may submit to the newsletter as many times as you wish. Be Blessed and welcome to the L.I.V.E. Club!